Kids' Zone

Mason Jar Herb Garden

Transform ordinary Mason jars into mini gardens that will brighten up any room.


  • Mason jars of various sizes
  • Potting soil
  • Small rocks or pebbles for drainage
  • Choice of plants or herbs
  • Decorative stones or moss (optional)
  • Labels or tags


  1. Start by adding a layer of rocks or pebbles to the bottom of each Mason jar to aid in drainage.
  2. Next, fill the jars with potting soil, leaving enough room at the top for your plants.
  3. Carefully transplant your chosen greenery into the jars, making sure to pack the soil gently around the roots.
  4. Water your plants sparingly, as Mason jars do not have drainage holes and excess water can lead to root rot.
  5. Add a layer of decorative stones or moss to enhance the visual appeal of your mini gardens.
  6. Add labels or tags to jars to distinguish between plants.

Maintenance and Care

  1. Place your jars in a sunny spot where your plants can receive adequate sunlight each day.
  2. Monitor the soil moisture levels regularly and water your plants sparingly, taking care not to overwater, as Mason jars do not have drainage holes and excess water can lead to root rot.
  3. Rotate your jars occasionally to ensure even growth.