
Discipline is Necessary

As parents, we want our children to be assets to the community, not liabilities. This, however, is not achieved overnight, nor is it passively accomplished. Children are wired to be undisciplined. You don’t have to teach them to lie or steal, or to be disobedient and disrespectful. Any observant parent would notice that these traits […]


Setting Healthy, Realistic Boundaries for Children: 5 Key Steps

Setting boundaries with children is a crucial aspect of parenting that often requires careful consideration and effective communication. As parents, it is our responsibility to guide and nurture our children, helping them develop into responsible and well-rounded adults. However, finding the right balance between being authoritative and allowing freedom can be challenging. So how do […]


Dying Marriage: A Journey of Hope & Healing

Marriage is a sacred union between two individuals, built on love, trust, and commitment. However, even the strongest marriages can face challenges that threaten their very foundation. When a marriage starts to wither and fade, it can be a painful and confusing experience for both partners involved. But there is hope. By recognizing the signs […]


Party World BVI – The Ultimate Party Destination

Planning a party or special occasion can be overwhelming, especially if you are not sure where to start. From choosing the right theme to finding the perfect venue, many factors must be considered. One of the most important aspects of any party is the decorations. Whether you are looking for party supplies, party rentals, or […]


Coastal Cleanups – Everybody’s Business

Every year, millions of tons of trash and plastic waste end up in our oceans, harming marine life and polluting our beaches. To combat this problem, the Coastal Cleanup Awareness Campaign was established to raise awareness about the importance of keeping our coastlines and oceans clean. The campaign takes place every September and offers an […]


It’s Not Right … It’s Wrong: Change the Blame Game

Are you in a relationship that leaves you feeling drained, unfulfilled, or even emotionally abused? Have you found yourself feeling anxious, depressed, or constantly questioning your self-worth? You just might be in a toxic relationship. A toxic relationship drains your energy, self-esteem, and happiness over time. Your emotional, mental, or physical health may slowly deteriorate. […]


Caribbean Insurers Ltd Celebrates 50+ Years of Service in the BVI

Caribbean Insurers Ltd (CIL), a leading insurance company in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), was established in 1973 and has been providing insurance plans to residents of the BVI ever since. This year marks the company’s 50th anniversary in the BVI. CIL provides residents with comprehensive insurance coverage, including auto, homeowners, life, health, marine, employer’s […]