Advertising with VI FamilyLink connects you with the largest network within our community, parents and families. Moms is our largest target group who engage with our products – magazine, website and social media – because we address issues that are important to them.
If you are interested in partnering with VI FamilyLink with an advertising plan, complete the form below to request more information, or email us at and we’ll be back with you soon! Connect with us so that we can plan an advertisement package around your budget.
We consider it an honor to partner with businesses that serve family and children in the Virgin Islands and do our best to get you the best results possible for your advertising dollars. We take the success of your business very seriously and would be excited to work with you.
Trim size: 7.5″ W X 10″ H
Bleed: 9.5″ W X 11.5″ H
Horizontal Trim size: 7.5″ W X 4.9″ H
Vertical Trim size: 3.5″ W X 10″ H
Horizontal Trim size: 7.5″ W X 3.3″ H
Vertical Trim size: 4.9″ W X 4.9″ H
Horizontal Trim size: 7.5″ W X 2.5″ H
Vertical Trim size: 2.5″ W X 4.9″ H
Horizontal Trim size: 4.9″ W X 3.3″ H
Vertical Trim size: 2.35″ W X 4.9″ H
1. All file resolutions not less than 300 dpi. and saved as CMYK.
2. Send in electronically in JPEG, TIFF or PDF.
3. Colour proof in the form of a low resolution JPEG file MUST be provided to ensure colour quality.
1. All file resolutions not less than 72 dpi. and saved as RGB.
2. The size limit for all image ads is 150KB.
3. Send in electronically in JPEG, PNG or PDF.